New Elecard Boro 2.0 with MPEG-DASH support

New Elecard Boro 2.0 with MPEG-DASH support

December 17, 2020News

MPEG-DASH support

  • Support for the MPEG-DASH protocol. The DASH protocol has a big variety of playlist generation scenarios, the majority of which are already supported by the probe. If the probe does not support your manifest type, please contact the technical support department at
  • Most OTT triggers are now compatible with MPEG-DASH. 
  • Added recording of MPEG-DASH services.

Improved recording system

  • Pcap recording (for IPTV broadcasting only).
  • Now any trigger can initiate recording.
  • Simultaneous recording in several tasks is available. The automatic recording started both on the transcoder’s input and output can help collect data for transcoding system debugging.

Akamai CDN support

  • Boro supports Akamai Token authentication and Akamai Media Encryption.

Basic error statistics

  • Counting the quantity and duration of errors during 15-minute and 24-hour intervals.


See the full list of changes in version 2.0 of Elecard Boro.


Elecard Boro is a solution for UDP, RTP, HTTP and HLS streams monitoring and measurement of QoS and QoE parameters. Boro allows you to quickly find any stream quality violations, receive notifications about problems and use monitoring statistics.

Users of the Boro service will get access to new features automatically. To update your local version of Boro, please contact us. 


Evaluate Elecard Boro v2.0


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