Continuous, non-stop monitoring and analysis

Continuous, non-stop monitoring and analysis

Probes operating 24/7. You have total control over the network

Quick Start

Quick Start

Less than 20 minutes to begin monitoring your streams



Save on specific equipment, reduction of network maintenance expenses

Easy to use

Easy to use

Friendly data layout and all the advantages of web interface

Ensure customer loyalty

Ensure customer loyalty

Stable customer base thank to continuous quality control and quick fixation of detected violations

Flexible licensing

Flexible licensing

Available as a cloud service or stand-alone solution for local networks

how it works

How it works

Boro is a client-server application consisting of 2 parts: a software Boro probe and a Boro server designed to collect and process statistics.


Elecard Boro software probes monitor packet loss, video freeze for UDP/HLS/DASH/RTP/HTTP/SRT/RTMP streams. In addition, Boro allows performing ad insertions control through SCTE-35 markers (for MPEG-TS and HLS).


The solution provides fast and cost-effective monitoring of content delivery networks and ensures localization of the most common violations.


  1. Boro probes are distributed over the network:  at the head-end station, at input streams monitoring points and after transcoding, multiplexing and encrypting modules; at end-points of main delivery networks, signal distribution points and last mile locations.
  2. The user starts the probe in the monitoring point. Tasks for analysis are assigned to the probe in the dashboard of the Boro account. Boro probe detects violations in the stream and transfers the detailed statistical information to Elecard Boro server.
  3. The server aggregates the received data, provides reports in easy-to-understand graphic form for each segment of the network in the web browser, and ensures fast email notification about network violations.

Monitored parameters



Solution for cloud or local monitoring

There is a couple of licensing alternatives for Elecard monitoring software to fit your project requirements


Boro Service

Cloud service using Elecard server for statistics aggregation and display.



Monthly or quarterly fees

Boro Solution

Stand-alone solution comprising server and probes to be installed within the local network.



Project based price



Start using Boro


Trial version allows monitoring of 10 streams up to 30 days. By using the Boro Service, you accept the Elecard Boro User License Agreement.

Software and Hardware specifications

Supported formats and protocols

  • Protocols:
  • Video:
  • MPEG-2, AVC/H.264, HEVC/H.265
  • Audio:
  • AAC, MPEG-1 Audio (Layer 1/2/3)
  • Transport/Container:

System Requirements

  • Minimum Hardware requirements : 
  • •  SSE2 support (Intel® Pentium 4 and higher, AMD® Opteron and Athlon 64 and higher)

  • Software requirements: 
  • •  Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11 64 bit, Server 2008/2012 64 bit

    •  Linux 64 bit + glibc-2.17 (December 2012: Ubuntu 13.04, Debian 8, RHEL 7, CentOS 7) and higher

Supported browsers

  • Chromium, version 54 and later

  • Google Chrome, version 54 and later

  • Mozilla Firefox, version 47 and later

Minimum screen resolution: FullHD.

Probe outgoing traffic

  • • 53/TCP/UDP (required) – DNS

  • • 443/TCP (required) – used for communication of the probe and the server

  • • 3478/UDP, 19302/UDP – used for establishing the connection between the probe and a user's browser for records downloading. WebRTC Technology

  • • 162/UDP  (default) – used for sending SNMP trap messages. Port can be configured on the SNMP notifications settings page

  • • 8443/TCP (required, default) - used for probe-server communication for Boro Solution


setup video quality control solution

How to setup video quality control solution

How to start IPTV

How to start tasks for IPTV monitoring

How to start tasks OTT

How to start tasks for OTT monitoring

Mosaic View

Webinar about Mosaic View in Elecard Boro

Starting Boro probe as a daemon in Linux

Starting Boro probe as a daemon in Linux or as a Windows system service.

Stream Recording

Automatic and Manual Stream Recording

Notification Journal

Elecard Boro Notification Journal

Configuring E-mail, SNMP, and Webhook

Configuring E-mail, SNMP, and Webhook Notifications in Boro monitoring solution

Telegram notifications

Telegram notifications in live stream monitoring solution

New features of Elecard Boro 2.0

New features of Elecard Boro 2.0

Probe management

Probe management in Elecard Boro QoS & QoE monitoring system

What's new in Elecard Boro 2.1

What's new in Elecard Boro 2.1 - QoS & QoE tool

KPI and reports

Elecard Boro: KPI and reports

Task management

Task management in Elecard Boro


More All testimonials

News & Events

Elecard, a leading developer of video compression and video quality analysis technologies, has authorized Avicom Engenharia to become its reseller and business partner in Brazil.

July 23, 2024 Press release

Elecard became a DASH Industry Forum (DASH-IF) member to collaborate on DASH usage.

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