KPI reports in Boro 2.1

KPI reports in Boro 2.1

May 24, 2022News

We carefully worked through imperfections of previous versions to bring the user experience to the highest level. We have thought out the formats for bug reports and quality of service, and added support for new protocols.

2 new modes of data output are added - KpiView and BlockView:

  • New KpiView. It is designed to display statistics of errors for all analyzed streams and to schedule recurring reports about the service quality;
    • The Health tab represents a real-time quality report on the following metrics: Losses, Service Availability, BadSource, Alarms firing statistics, Active Alarms;
    • Service availability – is a new parameter the Boro system registers. It is calculated as a percentage ratio of error-free monitoring time to total monitoring time. The metrics are based on the SCTE 168-6 standard;
    • Availability graphs are available on the tab KpiView ➝ Health. The mini-graph of availability trend represents changing of the service total availability for last 24 monitoring hours;
    • The Reports tab allows for scheduling recurring reports about the service quality;
    • Automatic uploading reports about the service quality to FTP/SFTP server (only for Boro Solution).
  • New BlockView. It is designed to compactly display all analyzed services. With the smallest scale possible, the view may display up to 1000 tasks on the screen with 1920x1080 resolution;

Support for the SRT protocol:

  • The probe receives streams over SRT protocol in modes: Listener, Caller and Rendezvous. All modes support the one-time receiving of some streams; 
  • Support of SRT stream recording in MPEG-TS;
  • New event Task has no subtasks for OTT and SRT protocols. It triggers when an SRT task contains only a Master task and does not contain any subtasks.

Stream conformity to the standard TR101290 and detection of 2nd and 3rd priority errors:

  • Implemented triggers for each event and indicators on a task page with additional info when hovering the active error;
  • For the PCR Repetition Error trigger, two thresholds are added for the user’s choice: 40 and 100 ms.

Graphs scaling on a task page:

  • Available fixed scales: 3min(live), 30min, 3h, 8h, 2d and 4d;
  • Metrics of Momentary loudness, Short-term loudness, Input bitrate, IAT and DF are measured as min/avg/max values on the scale.

See the full list of changes in version 2.1 of Elecard Boro.

Users of the Boro service will get access to new features automatically. To update your local version of Boro, contact us.


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