What metrics Video Quality Estimator 4.x can calculate?

What metrics Video Quality Estimator 4.x can calculate?

April 19, 2018
Features 4 089 views

Video Quality Estimator support calculation of the following metrics:

  • PSNR - Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio.
  • APSNR - Average Peak Signal-to-Noise Ration
  • VQM - Video Quality Measurement Techniques.
  • SSIM - Structural SIMilarity. This metric is based on measuring three components (luminance similarity, contrast similarity and structural similarity) and combining them into result value.
  • DELTA - The value of this metric is the mean difference of the color components in the correspondent points of image.
  • MSE - Mean-squired-error based metric.
  • MSAD - The value of this metric is the mean absolute difference of the color components in the correspondent points of image.
  • NQI - New Quality Index - is a metric designed to calculate video quality by combining three components: correlation loss, luminance and contrast distortion.
  • VMAF - Video Multimethod Assessment Fusion is an objective full-reference video quality metric developed by Netflix in cooperation with the University of Southern California.
  • VMAF phone - a metric designed to predict the quality of videos displayed on mobile phone
  • VIF - Visual information fidelity


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