What's new in Elecard Boro 1.7

What's new in Elecard Boro 1.7

April 28, 2020
Features 7 660 views 1 liked

Elecard Boro v.1.7 supports new versions of HLS and implements advanced features that are useful for testing and debugging of broadcast equipment.

New features for equipment debugging

  • Support of Alternative Renditions (video, audio, and subtitles) in HLS versions 4-7;
  • HLS service recording in any analysis mode. Manual recording and recording by the SCTE-35 and video freeze events are supported. The entire service structure is recorded: Master and Media playlists, media segments and a record description in the JSON format;
  • Detection of ad insertion tags contained in HLS playlists;
  • Enhanced detection of the SCTE-35 tags in a transport stream;
  • Boro identifies and registers OTT custom tags in HLS playlists.

New events

  • It is registered when the PCR is not detected in a stream for the 1-minute period.
  • It triggers if some Alternative Renditions or Variant Streams have the same URI in a Master Playlist.

Other features

  • You do not need to configure each task separately if you have a channel plan. You can import and export the probe configuration from a table editor (e.g. Excel). CSV format is supported.
  • IGMPv3 is supported. A multicast source IP can be specified.
  • The compression of data transmitted by the HTTP protocol (gzip) is supported.
  • Measurement of time to first byte (TTFB) is added. This feature helps to measure delay and learn how long the server is processing the request.
  • Registration of the actual IP address from where the OTT service data was received.
  • The configurations that are saved on the server can be edited and re-saved.
  • Thumbnails capture interval during the video freeze can be configured.
  • Telegram messenger notifications for events are available.


  • Bitrate calculation is improved. For HLS services the elementary stream bitrate is not correctly calculated in case the PCR timestamps are incorrect or rarely occur. Now the probe uses PTS/DTS instead of PCR.
  • Enhanced view of events changes (PSI, Video and Audio information) in the Task Events journal and in emails. The difference between the current and the previous state is highlighted with color.
  • The useful bitrate and the current bitrate of all streams are displayed on the TableView page. You can export the TableView page to a CSV file. The display of live data on the page can be paused to view details.
  • The access speed to the Task Events journal is significantly enhanced.


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