Elecard Boro Service & Boro Solution comparison

Elecard Boro Service & Boro Solution comparison

May 13, 2024
Features 661 views

Elecard solution for video streams monitoring and measurement of QoS and QoE parameters is a client-server application consisting of 2 parts: a software Boro probe and a Boro server designed to collect and process statistics. It is available in two options depending on your project requirements:

  • Elecard Boro Service — cloud service subscription using Elecard server for statistics aggregation and display.
  • Elecard Boro Solution — stand-alone solution comprising server and probes to be installed within the local network.

The following table describes differences between Elecard Boro Service and Elecard Boro Solution.


Main information

FeaturesElecard Boro ServiceElecard Boro Solution

Licensing type

Online service with recurring payment for the number of monitored streams’ connections

Permanent license for the product that includes local server and unlimited number of probes


User installs Boro probes at monitoring points

User installs Boro probes at monitoring points

Boro server

Statistical data from the probes is sent to the Elecard cloud server for collection, processing and storage: https://boro.elecard.com

User purchases Boro server to install it on his own network as well as probes and carries out monitoring completely independently of Elecard. All data is processed and stored locally, and Internet access is required during server deployment only

Boro server administration

Elecard is responsible for the updates, back up and administration of Boro server

The product is hosted and administered entirely by the User


Pricing and licensing

FeaturesElecard Boro ServiceElecard Boro Solution

Payment type

Monthly, quarterly or annual payment

One-time payment for a permanent license

Price calculation

The price is calculated based on the number of connections at all monitoring points*. From $175 for 25 connections

Solution price depends on the technical specifications of the project and is calculated according to the price list, taking into account the number of connections

License extension

Possibility to top up the account balance and change the number of connections as required

License extension is available for additional price


Elecard provides backup of the Boro server

Backup license is available for additional price

Updates and Upgrades

Updates and upgrades are available as the new version is released

Product license includes 1 year warranty, i.e. patches, updates and consultations on the basic software usage are available free of charge for 1 year and thereafter for additional price. Upgrade is available for additional price

Purchasing hardware for Boro probe

User purchases the hardware for the probe independently. Elecard technical support can help you choose the optimal platform for your needs

User purchases the hardware for the probe independently. Elecard technical support can help you choose the optimal platform for your needs

Purchasing hardware for Boro server

Not required

User purchases the hardware for the server independently. Elecard technical support can help you choose the optimal platform for your needs

* The price is calculated based on the number of connections. For the price calculation “connection” means

  • IPTV: one program in a transport stream generates one data stream transferred to the server, i.e. one connection.
  • OTT services in the “All Renditions” analysis mode:
    • HLS: one Variant Stream generates one data stream, i.e. one connection;
    • DASH: one Video Representation generates one data stream, i.e. one connection.
  • OTT services in the “Player” analysis mode: one OTT service generates one data stream, i.e. one connection. (In the “Player” mode, the probe analyzes a Variant Stream and takes the highest bitrate allowed by the network bandwidth at this time, as in HLS media players).


Product installation

FeaturesElecard Boro ServiceElecard Boro Solution

Time reqiured to run first analysis

Quick start: only 10-30 minutes to deploy the probe and start monitoring

From two hours if necessary hardware is available

Server installation

Not required. User needs to register an account on boro.elecard.com

It is required to select the hardware, install the particular Linux distribution, and then install the Elecard Boro Solution Server software. Next certificates and keys must be obtained from the Boro team (licensing). Network configuration may be required

Probe installation

Installation and launch of the probe do not require special skills and do not take a long time. Network configuration may be required

Installation and launch of the probe do not require special skills and do not take a long time. Network configuration may be required

Technical support when starting monitoring

Usually not required. QuickStart Manual is available

It is possible to install the product with the assistance of Elecard technical specialists. Elecard Boro Solution User Guide is available. Elecard technical support may need to interact with the User's network administrator


Product settings, features and tools

FeaturesElecard Boro ServiceElecard Boro Solution

Custom logo


Available if required

Custom domain name



API for managing and receiving data


JSON RPC API. More information in the User Guide

Integration with DataMiner


Available. Requests for developing the functionality of the DM connector are accepted

Guest mode - Read acces to any project without registration


Available. More information in the User Guide

Availability fo access categories with different rights


Administrator, Engineer, Operator, Viewer, Guest.
More information in the User Guide

Single Sign-On (SSO)



User access to specific probes



Data storage depth

14 days

Set by the server administrator during software installation

Uploading KPI reports to ftp/sftp



Access to data

From anywhere via the Internet

Access to data is regulated by the server administrator


Security & Safety

FeaturesElecard Boro ServiceElecard Boro Solution



Optional (recommended)

Application of SELinux and FirewallD technologies


Available when installed in the recommended OS

Timely software updates (including operating system)


The issue is resolved on the User's side

Protection against DDoS attacks


The issue is resolved on the User's side

Service availability

Server backup 24/7

Elecard offers a recommended solution

Data Security

Periodic automatic backups

It is possible to configure periodic backups


Service availability monitoring 24/7 with automatic notifications to the support team

The issue is resolved on the User's side


Financial costs

Elecard Boro Service and Elecard Boro Solution have different licensing models, so each version of the product requires different financial costs for usage. Below are the costs from the end user's perspective.

Elecard Boro ServiceElecard Boro Solution
  • Hardware for probe
  • Service subscription
  • Internet access
  • Expenses for renting space for probes
  • Hardware for probe
  • Hardware and software for the server or payment for remote server hosting if necessary
  • Software license and additional costs for license extention if required
  • Product installation and setup or technical support if required
  • Product upgrade if required
  • Salary for external or in-house IT personnel for implementation and support of the project (depends on many factors).
  • Expenses for renting space for the server and probes
Evaluate Elecard Boro Service Request for Elecard Boro Solution


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