List of Elecard DirectShow Codec SDK components

List of Elecard DirectShow Codec SDK components

April 19, 2018
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Elecard components delivered with Elecard DirectShow Codec SDK are based on the Microsoft® DirectShow® architecture and are implemented as a DirectShow® filters. The components are presented in 32-bit and 64-bit versions unless otherwise specified.

MPEG-2 Video DecoderSoftware and DXVA accelerated decoding solution for MPEG-2 video (ISO/IEC 13818-2) and MPEG-1 video (ISO/IEC 11172-2) streams.
MPEG-2 Video EncoderVideo stream encoding into MPEG-2 (ISO/IEC 13818-2) format.
VPX Video DecoderDecoding of VP8 and VP9 video streams. The component is based on/contains/uses libvpx.
AVC Video DecoderSoftware and DXVA accelerated decoding solution for ISO/IEC 14496 part 10 AVC / ITU-T Recommendation H.264 video streams.
AVC Video EncoderVideo encoding into AVC/H.264 (MPEG-4 Part 10, ISO/IEC 14496-10) streams.
HEVC Video DecoderSoftware decoding solution for ISO/IEC 23008-2 MPEG-H Part 2/ITU-T H.265 video streams.
HEVC Video EncoderVideo encoding into ISO/IEC 23008-2 MPEG-H Part 22/ITU H.265 video streams.
MPEG Audio EncoderAudio encoding into MPEG streams.
MPEG Audio DecoderSoftware decoding of MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-2.5 and LPCM audio streams.
AAC Audio DecoderDecoding of AAC and HE-AAC audio streams.
AAC Audio EncoderAudio encoding into AAC format.

QS AVC Video Decoder

(64-bit version only)

Decoding of ISO/IEC 14496 part 10 AVC / ITU-T Recommendation H.264 video and based on Intel® Quick Sync technology.

QS AVC Video Encoder

(64-bit version only)

Software module using Intel® Quick Sync technology for encoding into AVC/H.264 (MPEG-4 Part 10, ISO/IEC 14496-10).

QS MPEG-2 Video Decoder

(64-bit version only)

Software module using Intel® Quick Sync technology for decoding of MPEG-2 video (ISO/IEC 13818-2) streams.

QS MPEG-2 Video Encoder

(64-bit version only)

Software module using Intel® Quick Sync technology for encoding into MPEG-2 video (ISO/IEC 13818-2).

QS HEVC Video Decoder

(64-bit version only)

Software module using Intel® Quick Sync technology for decoding of HEVC/H.265 (ISO/IEC 23008-2 MPEG-H Part2/ITU-T) video streams.

QS HEVC Video Encoder

(64-bit version only)

Software module using Intel® Quick Sync technology for encoding into HEVC/H.265 (ISO/IEC 23008-2 MPEG-H Part2/ITU-T).


(64-bit version only)

Video post processing filter based on Intel® Quick Sync technology.

MPEG Demultiplexer

Software-only splitting of MPEG-1 System Streams, MPEG-2 Program Streams and MPEG-2 Transport Streams into video and audio streams. The Demultiplexer operates with subpicture streams and allows parsing of MPEG-1, MPEG-2, AVC/H.264 and HEVC/H.265 video streams. The Elecard MPEG Demultiplexer filter performs seek operations in a media file by using Presentation Time Stamps (PTS), bitrate, or Elecard indexing technology.

MPEG Multiplexer

MPEG-2 Transport Stream (TS) or MPEG-2 Program Stream (PS) generation.
MPEG Push DemultiplexerSoftware-only MPEG splitter designed to split MPEG-2 (ISO/IEC 13818-2) and MPEG-1 (ISO/IEC 11172-2) streams provided by source or transform filters in Push (Sync) mode into video and audio streams.

LATM Demultiplexer

(32-bit version only)

Demultiplexing of AAC LOAS/LATM stream into elementary AAC streams.
MP4 DemultiplexerDemultiplexing of ISO/IEC 14496-14 file format (MP4) and 3GPP2 System streams into a MPEG-4, H.263, AVC/H.264 video streams and AAC, AMR, MPEG-1/2 Audio Layer 3 audio streams.
MP4 MultiplexerGeneration of MP4 streams.

MKV Demultiplexer

Demultiplexing MKV/WebM files. This component is based on/uses libmatroska and libebml.

MKV Multiplexer

MKV multiplexing. This component is based on/uses libmatroska and libebml.

MXF Demultiplexer

Software-only splitting of Material Exchange Format (MXF) into video, audio and ancillary data streams. This component is based on/uses libmxf.
MXF MultiplexerGeneration of Material eXchange Format (MXF) streams. The component is based on/contains/uses libmxf, libmxf++, bmx, uriparser.

File List Source 

(32-bit version only)

Software solution providing operations with a list of source files as with a single file. Implements the IAsyncReader interface on its output pin, allowing a connection to pull mode splitter filters such as Elecard MPEG Demultiplexer. 

HLS Source

Software module providing connection to a server via HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) protocol version 3 and receives video/audio data from the server.

HLS Sink

Content preparation via Apple HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) protocol.


Receiving media data from the network. It accepts both RTP and UDP packets and feeds the filter graph with stream data coming in these packets.

RTSP NetSource

Receiving media data from the network. It is capable of receiving and sending RTSP commands, receiving RTP and UDP packets (Kassena, BroadMedia, VLC Seachange RTSP dialects support).


Sending media data to the network. It is capable of sending RTP, UDP packets and supports the announcement of its data session via sending SAP (SDP) packets.

Sink Filter

Software component intended to write received data to a disk. Also, Sink Filter supports indexing of the MPEG-2 Video Elementary Stream (VES) and MPEG-2 Program Stream (PS).

Stream Pump

Converting asynchronous source to synchronous.

Time Marker

Transform filter for stream analysis. It defines the type of data, extracts time stamps from the stream and sets these time stamps on the output media samples. TimeMarker is used in playback applications to prepare a stream for seamless playback.

Color Space Converter 2

Conversion between different formats of uncompressed video. The product is designed for video streams conversion in real time. The filter is used to connect filters when the connection cannot be established. It happens if the video format provided by the output pin of the upstream filter is incompatible with the format supported by the input pin of the downstream filter.

InfTee Filter

Software component that is similar to the Microsoft® Infinite Pin Tee Filter (included into the Microsoft® DirectShow® SDK). This filter delivers samples delivered to its input pin to a variable number of output pins. When an instance of the filter is created, it has one output pin. Each time an output pin is connected, the filter creates another output pin. All output pins share the same media type as the input pin.

Module Config Checker

Activation of the Elecard components in the GraphEdit application (contained in the DirectShow package).
Desktop CaptureElecard Desctop Capture provides capturing of the specified screen area.

Graph Viewer

Utility for the presentation of graphs built by any application. In the edit mode it allows the filter graph building (filter adding, deleting and connection), control of the graph state (run, stop, pause) and positioning in the media stream.



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Product:DirectShow Codec SDK


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