Get two in one! High-performance transcoding and advanced monitoring solution at NAB 2016

Get two in one! High-performance transcoding and advanced monitoring solution at NAB 2016

March 23, 2016Events

Once two renowned professionals join their efforts they can do nothing but create an industry-leading solution which strengthens their advantages and boosts a solution’s performance. We invite you to see a vivid example of such solution at our booth #SU10221 at NABShow 2016 which is essential for providing you breakthrough economy and low energy consumption while transcoding high-quality media content with 4K and 8K resolution. Extra powerful HPE Moonshot hardware platform (server size – 4,3 units) enriched with Elecard in-demand CodecWorks provides transcoding of 675 output HD channels.

CodecWorks is a must-have for live encoding of 4K, HEVC/H.265, H.264/AVC and MPEG-2 video supporting adaptive bitrate video streaming via HLS protocol with the playback at wide range of receiving devices with the best possible quality.

But the list of advantages does not end here. Our transcoding solution is powered by a rich variety of possibilities for in-depth monitoring and analysis of the media content. You may choose any analyzing tool which perfectly matches your project and better suits your individual requirements:

Elecard Multistream Player is a broadcast monitoring tool with a configurable software-based architecture that enables 24/7 real-time multichannel visual and automated analysis of live feeds.

Elecard StreamEye is essential for professional detailed analysis and makes it possible to navigate from general stream structure down to the deepest levels of compressed streams such as quantizers or individual bits in a macro block. Detailed statistics includes file resolution, frame types and sizes, macro block partition, motion vectors, bit sizes, etc.

Elecard Boro service - video quality monitoring solution providing timely analyzing and troubleshooting of the most widespread violations such as clock continuity, bitrate, EPSNR, signal loss and video freeze in different networks including IPTV, DVB and OTT streaming.

Enjoy your FREE Guest Pass Code for the NAB Show: LV4222.


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