What’s new in Elecard CodecWorks v.4.10

What’s new in Elecard CodecWorks v.4.10

April 11, 2024
Features 1 701 views

In the new Elecard CodecWorks version we have the following improvements:​​


  • Added support for Ubuntu 22.04;
  • Ability to receive and broadcast streams over the ST 2110 protocol;
  • A web version for the products documentation;
  • Automatic recording of the input stream in case of source problems;
  • Added system metrics to the web interface - graphics core load, network interface load, CPU core load;
  • Added a page with system metrics for all servers on the network;
  • Seamless switching between main and backup sources using the SMPTE 2022-7;
  • Added a new interface for generating service tables and encrypting CAS;
  • Software stability has been increased by integrating new mechanisms;
  • The Scheme rebuild mechanism has been improved. Now, when changing the composition of the stream, the scheme is rebuilt, but it can return to its original form when the original stream resumes.


  • The development of the DirectShow components has been stopped. CodecWorks for Windows and Ubuntu now have a unified GStreamer component base.
  • The development of the CentOS version has also been discontinued.


Evaluate new Elecard CodecWorks v.4.10


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