Download Elecard Software

Download Elecard Software

Video analysis


Demo version limitations: 30-day evaluation period; Positioning for the first 84 frames; The demo license does not allow activating the application installed on a virtual machine or launched over the remote access protocols RDP/SSH.

StreamEye Studio

Demo version limitations:
30-day evaluation period;
Positioning for the first 84 frames;
The demo license does not allow activating the application installed on a virtual machine or launched over the remote access protocols RDP/SSH.

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StreamEye Basic

Demo version limitations: 30-day evaluation period; Positioning for the first 84 frames; The demo license does not allow activating the application installed on a virtual machine or launched over the remote access protocols RDP/SSH.

YUV Viewer

Demo version limitations: 30-day evaluation period; Positioning for the first 200 frames; The demo license does not allow activating the application installed on a virtual machine or launched over the remote access protocols RDP/SSH.

Stream Analyzer

Demo version limitations: 30-day evaluation period; Calculation up to 500 headers; The demo license does not allow activating the application installed on a virtual machine or launched over the remote access protocols RDP/SSH.

Video Quality Estimator

Demo version limitations: 30-day evaluation period; Positioning for the first 84 frames, and analysis of the first 500 frames; The demo license does not allow activating the application installed on a virtual machine or launched over the remote access protocols RDP/SSH.

Quality Gates

Demo version limitations: 30-day evaluation period; Analysis of the first 84 frames; The demo license does not allow activating the application installed on a virtual machine or launched over the remote access protocols RDP/SSH.

Transcoding platforms


Demo version limitations: 30-day evaluation period, 25 consoles, Elecard logo on video, audio interruptions

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Multistream Player

Demo version limitations: 30-day evaluation period, Elecard logo on video


MPEG Player

Demo version limitations: 30-day evaluation period, Elecard logo on video

Operating system: Windows x32/x64

Version: 7.3.220323

ZIP: 40 MB

Date: March 23, 2022

MPEG-2 PlugIn

Demo version limitations: 30-day evaluation period, Elecard logo on video

Operating system: Windows 64bit

Version: 7.0.220706

ZIP: 5,7 MB

Date: July 6, 2022

AVC PlugIn for ProgDVB

Demo version limitations: 30-day evaluation period, Elecard logo on video

Operating system: Windows 64bit

Version: 5.0.220706

ZIP: 7,6 MB

Date: July 6, 2022

AVC PlugIn

Demo version limitations: 30-day evaluation period, Elecard logo on video

Operating system: Windows 64bit

Version: 5.0.220706

ZIP: 7,6 MB

Date: July 6, 2022


Digital Signage


Demo version limitations: 30-day trial period and 2 players.
Player: OS Linux Ubuntu 22.04
Server: OS Linux + Docker