What’s new in Elecard StreamEye Studio 2021

What’s new in Elecard StreamEye Studio 2021

April 20, 2021
Features 8 565 views

We changed the versioning of StreamEye Studio: now the year is used to denote the version.


Elecard StreamEye

  • VVC video codec special updates
    • Overlay visualization and corresponding data representation in the block info panel for the following modes: Adaptive Loop Filter (ALF), Sample adaptive offset (SAO), Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) types
    • Additional data output: After Deblocking & After SAO
    • Video Buffer Verifier
    • Switching between Luma/Chroma for Intra predictions
    • Representation of Luma and Chroma for Intra CU, PU, TU in the Block Info panel
    • Decoding CTU order overlay visualization
    • SEI and NAL units syntax parsing
  • FLV file container support for AVC, HEVC
  • Extended SEI, NAL units representation (AVC, HEVC)
  • Temporal ID graph visualization
  • Additional presentation modes for reference frames: Lines, Prediction Parts and Hierarchy in the BarChart and Thumbnails navigation controls  
  • Representation of the current frame in the subsequent Frame Buffer on the DPB Occupancy graph
  • Ability to give the priority to faster positioning or faster playback start via the SetPosition Mode setting
  • Ability to specify the amount of data for parsing: Predicted, Unfiltered, Residual, Transform, Dequantized, After Deblocking, After SAO. That affects the speed of parsing and memory usage


Elecard Stream Analyzer

  • VVC video codec is added
  • FLV file container support for AVC, HEVC
  • Displaying of HbbTV data
  • PCR Accuracy graph
  • Switching between hexadecimal and decimal representation for PCR/PTS/DTS values
  • Enhanced user experience
    • Expanding/collapsing packet property data in Main Window Panel via Right/Left arrow keys
    • Navigation through stream elements with the hotkey Shift + Up/Down arrows


Elecard Video Quality Estimator

  • VVC video codec is added


Elecard Quality Gates

  • FLV file container support for AVC, HEVC
  • VVC video codec is added

Evaluate Elecard StreamEye Studio 2021

If you have any questions, please, contact Elecard engineers.




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Product:StreamEyeStreamEye StudioStream AnalyzerVideo Quality EstimatorQuality Gates


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