What's new in Elecard CodecWorks v.4.6

What's new in Elecard CodecWorks v.4.6

October 8, 2019
Features 5 174 views

New features

  • A mechanism of colour bar generation (CBG) is added. It is enabled when there are problems with input streams. You also can enable it in a manual mode.
  • SNMP notification system is improved. CodecWorks uses SNMPv2 now.
  • Now Availability Start Time (AST) is saved automatically in template duration mode of MPEG-DASH and passed between sources and servers to continue segments numeration.
  • Scheme search by name among all servers via GUI is added.
  • Distributed transcoding using QuickSync technology is added. You can encode a live 4К stream with multiple bit rates on several servers with stream synchronization.
  • Log rotation based on size and storage time is improved. Rotation of scheme backups and dump files is added.

New features of Linux version

  • Linux CentOS 7.5 support;
  • Support of Intel QuickSync Video transcoding formats (MPEG-2, AVC, HEVC);
  • Implementation of RPM installer with dependency auto-installation;
  • Nginx web-server installs automatically with CodecWorks and adds all necessary configuration files for OTT streaming and the web-interface;
  • Support of SoftLab Forward capture devices.

Optimized GUI

  • Now schemes in the GUI are highlighted in different colors depending on the enabled operating mode. For example, if the CBG mode is switched on manually, it is highlighted in orange.
  • Functionality of various parameters in the GUI, such as SNMP configuration, is improved.

Reserving system improvements

  • The setting system of server reserving is simplified. New version allows to add server to the reserved server list to automatically download the active schemes.
  • Server reserving system is improved. If enabled, a reserve server becomes a main one in order to reduce load on the service.
  • When reserving a source, you can make the sources equal, so the source is switched only if you have problems with the one you are working with. Alternatively, you can select one source as the main one. Thus, if there are problems with the main source, it switches to the reserve one. When the signal on the main source is restored, the encoding schema starts using it again.
  • The server polling is changed. Now no separate session is created for each polling, the pollings take place within one TCP session.


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