I am trying to receive UDP/RTP/HLS streaming but the stream cannot be detected

I am trying to receive UDP/RTP/HLS streaming but the stream cannot be detected

April 19, 2018
Troubleshooting 2 238 views
  1. Make sure that you are using the correct stream source and the stream exists.
  2. Check the reverse path filtering (rp_filter) and the firewall settings. If they are enabled, they can block input multicast addresses. You should disable the RP filter and the firewall or configure the firewall settings properly.
  3. To learn how to configure the firewall on Linux, watch the fragment of the video “Setting up and operating Linux version of Elecard CodecWorks” (01:18–01:29). Check, if the IP address of the network interface is correct. Make sure that this interface is present in the system and used for multicast receiving. This IP address can be an IP address of network card, virtual interfaces or (localhost). If the address is not specified, streams are received according to the system routing table.

If it does not help, please contact the technical support team.


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