Elecard YUV Viewer Command line tool

Elecard YUV Viewer Command line tool

June 6, 2019
Features 5 645 views

Elecard YUV Viewer functionality is available in console version, so you can run the tool from the command line.

YUV Viewer Command Line tool allows automatic analysis of video arrays. You can customize a sequence of commands to perform your specific tasks and automate your routine tasks.

Using this tool you'll be able to: 

  • Analyze the whole array of video files automatically;
  • Address specific and complex challenges with a few lines of commands;
  • Retrieve submitted results as a text file in CSV format for easy viewing in Excel;
  • Customize a sequence of commands to perform your specific tasks;
  • Accelerate and automate your regular tasks;


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How to use YUV Viewer Command line tool

Get to the command prompt by clicking Start->Run and type 'cmd'. Then enter the command to start the application first and proceed with the command line options. In general, the syntax is as follows:

YUVConsole.exe config.xml /inA:inputA.yuv /inB:inputB.yuv /out:output

Note: you should not relocate the <product> console without all the other applications of the product contained in the installation pack, otherwise the console application will not start.

The command line arguments allow re-defining parameters used in a default configuration file. See examples of the arguments below:

/inA:<path>first input file path (inputA file)
/inB:<path>second input file path (inputB file)
/out:<path>output files prefix (output file)
/sfx:<string>suffix of all output files in a configuration file (adds a suffix to an output file before file extension)
/dcuse current run directory as default path for files
/?advanced help

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Sample Config.xml file:

<YUV version="1">
    <inputA file="..." type="IYUV(default)/[*Upsampler Type]" filter="None(default)/FieldGen/Median/Sobel" width="auto(default)/..." height="auto(default)/..." bitdepth="8(default)/..." offset="0(default)" step="1(default)"/>
    <inputB file="..." type="IYUV(default)/[*Upsampler Type]" offset="0(default)" step="1(default)"/>
    <output separator=".(default)/," delimiter=";(default)/," file="..."/>
    <range span="all(default)/start - stop"/>
        <metrics type="PSNR(default)|APSNR|SSIM|DELTA|MSAD|MSE|NQI|VIF|VQM|VMAF|VMAF phone" fileType="CSV(default)/JSON" file="..."/>
        <difference type="Compare/Subtraction/Temperature/PSNR/PSNR Clip" format="IYUV(default)/YV12" rect_size="16(default/..)" file="..."/>
        <data source="A|B" format="IYUV(default)/YV12" file="..."/>

* Upsampler types that can be used in a configuration file: I444 / I422 / IYUV / NV12 / NV21 / P444 / RGB24 / RGB32 / UYVY (Y422 / UYNV / HDYC) / V210 / V400 / V444 / Y42B / YUY2 (YUNV / V422 / YUYV) / YV12 / YV16 / YVYU.

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List of commands:

<inputA file>The tag is used to configure the input A file
typeSpecifies the type of the YUV data to be analyzed. IYUV is set by default/*Upsampler type
filterSelects the preprocessing filter
widthSpecifies the width of the frame for the file to be analyzed
heightSpecifies the height of the frame for the file to be analyzed
bitdepthAllows a user to specify values for some metric Types. For several Types, the value is not editable. Available bitdepth types: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
offsetShifts the position from the first analyzed frame to the specified one in a stream
stepCoefficient used for calculation of a successive frame number for further analysis. “1” is set by default
<inputB file>The tag is used to configure the input B file
typeDefines the format of the raw data (IYUV (by default) /* Upsampler type
offsetShifts the position from the first analyzed frame to the specified one in a reference stream
stepCoefficient used for calculation of a successive frame number for further analysis. “1” is set by default
 Note: if the VMAF and VMAF phone metrics are enabled, and if input raw file is missing, encoded reference file should be placed in the input 2(B) field.
<output/> The tag is used to configure the output file
separatorAllows selecting a decimal separator, the “.” sign is set by default
delimiterAllows selecting data delimiter “;” sign is set by default
fileSets the output file path
<range/> The tag is used to define the range of analyzed frames
spanDefines the range of frames (all (by default) /start - stop), 'start' - number of the first analyzed frame, 'stop' - number of the last analyzed frame
<metrics/> The tag is used to output information on quality metrics
typeSpecifies the metric type: PSNR (by default) | APSNR | MSE | MSAD | DELTA | SSIM | NQI | VIF | VQM | VMAF | VMAF phone
fileSets the output file path where information on metrics will be saved
<difference/> The tag is used to output information on metrics difference
typeDefines the type of difference (compare/subtraction/temperature/psnr/psnr clip). This is the required parameter for this tag. Its default value should be set. If the value is not set, this tag will be skipped
formatDefines the format for saving data (IYUV (by default))
rect sizeA block size used to calculate metrics PSNR/PSNR Clip
fileSets the output file path where information on difference will be saved
<data/> The tag is used to save output decoder information on any decoding step
sourceDefines the type of the source for metrics calculation: A | B
formatDefines the format for saving data (IYUV (by default))
fileSets the output file path where the data will be saved

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