Elecard Stream Analyzer Command line tool

Elecard Stream Analyzer Command line tool

October 30, 2018
Features 9 573 views

Elecard Stream Analyzer functionality is available in console version, so you can run the tool from the command line.

Stream Analyzer Command Line tool allows saving analytical data available via Stream Analyzer into a text file in CSV format with a few lines of commands. You can customize a sequence of commands to perform your specific tasks and automate your routine tasks.

Using this tool you'll be able to: 

  • Analyze the whole array of video files automatically;
  • Address specific and complex challenges with a few lines of commands;
  • Retrieve submitted results as a text file in CSV format for easy viewing in Excel;
  • Customize a sequence of commands to perform your specific tasks;
  • Accelerate and automate your regular tasks;
  • Get access to most of Stream Analyzer functionality and resources through Stream Analyzer Console.


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How to use Stream Analyzer Command line tool

Get to the command prompt by clicking Start->Run and type 'cmd'. Then enter the command to start the application first and proceed with the command line options. In general, the syntax is as follows:

SAConsole.exe config.xml /in:input.ts /out:output

Note: you should not relocate the <product> console without all the other applications of the product contained in the installation pack, otherwise the console application will not start.

ininput file path
outoutput files prefix
file pathpath to the file
config pathpath to the config file
sfxsuffix of all output files in the config
dcuse the current run directory as default path for files

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Sample Config.xml file:

<SA version="1">
    <input file="..."/>
    <output storage="union(default)/split" separator=";(default)/," delimiter=".(default)/," file="..."/>
    <range start="(default: from file begin)" stop="(default: to file end)" mode="hex(default)/dec"/>
        <stream full="on(default)/off" file="..."/>
        <message details="on(default)/off" file="..."/>
        <tr101290 details="on(default)/off" file="..."/>
        <headers details="on(default)/off" file="..."/>   
            <condition parameter="name" comparison="full/substring(default)">  
                <range value="min-max"/>  
                <equal value="value"/>  
                <less value="min"/> 
                <more value="max"/>  
                <not value="value"/>        

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List of commands:

<input/>The tag is used to configure the input file
fileSets the input file path
<output/>The tag is used to configure the input file
storageSave output information into split or union storage (union(default)/split)
separatorDefines the symbol/string to separate the output data (;(default)/,))
delimiterDelimits the fractional part with floating point (.(default)/,))
fileSets the output file path
<info/> The tag is used to define the type/-s of information for output
<stream/>The tag is used to output general information about the analyzed stream
fullContains information on data (on(default)/off)
fileSets the path for the output stream information
<message/> The tag is used to output messages that appear during analysis
detailsContains information on message tree data (on(default)/off)
fileSets the output file path where the messages will be saved
<tr101290/> The tag is used to output TR101290 error that appear during analysis
detailsContains information on message TR101290 error (on(by default)/off)
fileSets the output file path where the messages will be saved
<headers/> The tag is used to define the output headers information
detailsContains full information on header data (on(default)/off)
fileSets the path to the output file with the headers information

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Notes on the Command line rules

1. Parameters with default value are not required and can be omitted.

2. Rules for input and output file names:

  • parameter /in:<file path> in the command line overwrites the value of the tag <input> in the configuration file;
  • parameter /out:<file path> in the command line overwrites the value of the tag <output> in the configuration file;
  • if <output> tag is missing (or not specified), output file names are formed from input file names plus suffix (if the latter is specified);
  • if output file for a tag/section is not specified, the output file name for the tag/section is formed from the name specified in the <output/> tag plus suffix depeding on the name of the tag/section, e.g. ".message.csv", ".header.csv", etc.

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Product:Stream Analyzer


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