What's new in Elecard CodecWorks Encoder v.4.4

What's new in Elecard CodecWorks Encoder v.4.4

April 19, 2018
Features 4 847 views

New configurable Redundancy modes are now available

     •    Improved GUI and templates for efficient and convenient configuring of schemes in a redundancy mode.
     •    Monitoring of the source stream, providing immediate automatic changeover to a redundant source in case pre-defined errors occur.
     •    The indication of the active source is added in GUI (Main, Reserving 1, Reserving 2).
     •    MPEG-DASH, HLS, RTMP streaming protocols and multi-bitrate support become available in a redundancy modes.
     •    Possibility to use another IP interface, in case of any problems with LAN.

Redundancy mode will make your system more stable and also allows to work without encoding interruption.

The list of supported protocols and formats is extended by

     •    RTMP
     •    MPEG-DASH
     •    AVI, MP3, WAV, Windows Media input files
     •    MP4 input and output files
     •    Support of MJPEG and HEVC/H.265 software decoding

Latest Intel® Quick Sync Technology update is supported

Implementation of latest QuickSync components based on Intel® Media Server Studio SDK 2017 (MPEG-2, AVC, HEVC decoders/encoders and Transform filter support).

More input cards and source types are added to templates

     •    De-encapsulation of DVB-S, DVB-C, DVB-T/T2 streams
     •    AVerMedia DVB-T
     •    Blackmagic WDM
     •    StreamLabs MH4L
     •    Digital Devices DVB T/T2/C/C2 Tuner
     •    AJA Capture Source/KonaLHi
     •    BeholdTV T8 DVB-T/C

New functions are added

     •    Web-interface for easy remote management of the application
     •    SPTS monitoring enabling to spot CC errors
     •    Error notifications via e-mail or using SNMP protocol
     •    Support of MPTS demultiplexing to SPTS
     •    Support of SPTS multiplexing to MPTS
     •    Support of MPTS streaming to DVB/ATSC modulator.

Extended functions provide more possibilities for advanced QoS and QoE monitoring and significantly increase reliability.

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