Elecard StreamEye and Elecard StreamEye Basic comparison

Elecard StreamEye and Elecard StreamEye Basic comparison

April 19, 2018
Features 12 385 views

There are two versions of Elecard StreamEye:

  • StreamEye Basic with limited functionalities which can be purchased as a standalone application
  • Full featured StreamEye (or full version) which can be purchased as a standalone application or as a part of StreamEye Studio.

The following table describes differences between Elecard StreamEye (Full version) and Elecard StreamEye Basic.

FeaturesStreamEye (Full version)StreamEye Basic

Video Formats

Video Formats that are supported


Raw reference file support

Comparison of the encoded file with the reference / raw file

Allows estimating quality of encoded stream against the raw reference stream and calculating quality metrics, such as  PSNR | APSNR | SSIM | DELTA | MSE | MSAD | VQM | NQI | VMAF and VMAF phone | EPSNR | VIF at various steps: decoded, predicted, unfiltered, residual.Not available

Binding mode

Comparison of similar blocks or frames in the same position in different streams

Allows synchronization of the selected frame and block position with similar frame and block of a stream opened via another StreamEye instance running in the system.Not available

Stream Presentation/Charts

Statistics data representation in barcharts and graphs. Easy navigation throughout the stream frames using several stream presentation types

The bar height illustrates the frame size in bytes and the bar color indicates the frame type. Presentation order, scale, bitallocation lines, reference markers, sizes, metrics, quantizers, EPSNR, DPB occupancy parameters are shown. Tooltip with thumbnail, frame position in the stream, type, timestamp, quantizer, offset, picture order count, size is displayed for each frame.
All parameters of the Barchart are available except for EPSNR (Estimated Pick to Signal Noise Ratio).
Area Chart
The Area Chart navigation control shows bit distribution in the stream. The control allows choosing bitstream elements to display: skipped macroblocks, macroblock and prediction types, transform data, flags, quartier delta. Tooltip is added.
Not available
The Thumbnails navigation control shows the video stream using the frame thumbnails. The thumbnails are underlined with color indicating the frame type. The stream/display frame order is specified with digits below thumbnails. Tooltip is added.
Not available

Info panels

Detailed information on each and any component of the stream

The Stream panel displays the stream summary information: profile, compatibility flags, level, tier, chroma format, resolution, frame rate, duration, frame types, average frame sizes; range of quantizer values; bit allocation info; frame average bit distribution in CU.
All parameters of the Stream panel are available except for bit distribution in the coded elements.
The panel displays the frame summary information: CU, PU, TU size (in bits); max\min QP; pixel distribution into encoded type (intra, inter, and skip); motion vectors range; bit distribution in CU.
All parameters of the Picture panel are available except for bit distribution in the coded elements.
Block info
The panel displays Mackroblock /Suberblock/Coding Tree Unit/TCU information: location, slice idx, tile idx; sizes; coded unit, predicted unit, transform unit info.
The panel displays the bitstream headers that are used for the selected frame decoding and display. Header parameter values along with indication of their compliance to the standards are shown.
Not available
DPB info
The panel shows the Decoded Picture Buffer information for the selected frame. The DPB panel supports display for AVC and HEVC video.
Not available
Block Presenter
The panel provides block visualization for smooth navigation and detailed information on CU parameters. Shows processing stage of a frame, overlay parameters: partitions, motion vectors, types, background; values for the selected block: predictions, sizes, quantizes.
Not available
The panel displays statistics on streams or selected frames and can be shown either by count, or by area: distance between I frames, P Frames, B frames and Key frames; macroblock types and dimensions, prediction and transform info  and additional information depending on the stream type.
Not available


Helpful instruments addressing specific areas of investigation during bitstream analysis

Stream Viewer
The stream viewer displays a structure of headers belonging to the opened stream in the text mode. The stream internal structures are expandable.
HEX Viewer
The viewer displays a stream in the HEX mode. The display is synchronized with the stream position.
Pixels Viewer
The viewer displays pixel YUV values for different decoding steps (decoded, predicted, unfiltered), coefficient values (residual, transform, dequantized), reference (if opened) and difference (if selected and exists).
After Deblocking и AfterSAO are also available for VVC streams.
Not available
Message Viewer
The viewer displays messages on compression standard compliance for the stream. The Message viewer  supports display for AVC and HEVC video.
Not available
Buffer Analyzer
To ensure the system operational reliability, the Decoder Video Buffer parameter analysis is performed. The Buffer viewer displays results of the analysis (for AVC and HEVC video formats).
The controls allow adjusting chart presentation and show main parameters that are used for the buffer calculation along with their values.
Not available

Picture difference comparison

Visual representation of picture difference at several processing / decoding stages based on a set of comparison criteria

Allows picture comparison between decoded, predicted, unfiltered, residual, reference and memory stages and showing the difference in Compare, PSNR, PSNR clip, Subtraction, Temperature modes.Not available


Easy selection of a specific frame for further comparison against the current frame

The frames can be memorized  at various processing stages: decoded, predicted, unfiltered, reference.Not available


Quick configuration of the data display layout

Overlay Config  
The Panel is used for Overlay configuration and allows setting the color and display parameters to your liking.
Not available
Slice boundaries:
Shows all options together without customization. Is On by default.
Coded Block
Transform Luma
Transform Chroma
Shows all options together without customization. Is On by default.
Motion vectors:
Intra Angular
Intra Plane
Intra DC
Shows all options together without customization. Is On by default.
Text is not available
CU is On by default
Text is not available
Quant Text
CDEF, LR filtering for AV1
Quant is On by default

Command line tool

Automatic statistics gathering for selected video arrays; customization of the configuration file

• Analysis the whole array of video files automatically;
• Saving of submitted results as a text file in CSV format for easy viewing in Excel;
• Customization of a sequence of commands to perform your specific tasks;
• Acceleration and automation of your regular tasks.
Not available

Applied filters

Video display in the specified interlace mode or level of contrast/color richness

• Interlace
• Interlace config
Not available


Common navigation via the stream

Play, Stop, Go to beginning, Go to end, Fast play, One frame forward, Jump to frame by frame type.


Quick positioning via the stream

Search by stream\display order, time, offset.

* sold as a plugin


Try Elecard StreamEye

Try Elecard StreamEye Basic


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Product:StreamEyeStreamEye StudioStreamEye Basic


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